Sparta-Dos External Commands
Change Time/Date v2.5
(C) 1994 by FTe
* Updates Time/Date stamp of filename(s)
Change Volume Name
* Changes volume name from a SpartaDOS disk/partition
CleanUp v1.4 27-Feb-89
(C) 1994 by FTe
* Scans the harddisk for errors
* Repairs errors like wrong free-sector-count
* Prompts to write back new bitmap after changes
* Notifies if weird filenames are detected
Cluster Verify v1.0 11-Apr-89
(C) 1989 TeleTek Corp.
* Checks the (hard-)disk for clustered and fragmented files
DiskRX v1.9 5-Dec-1988
by Howard Peters (C) 1994 by FTe
* SpartaDos sector editor
* Handles harddisk partitions up to 16Mb
* D1: -D8:
* BIN/DEC/HEX conversions
* HEX and ATASCII edit
* Search for HEX/ATASCII bytes
* Toggle sector allocation
* Create file or directory from sector map
Fox-1 Mar-98
* Shows a list of all available devices in HATABS
HyperSpeed Ramdisk v1.0
John K. Picken 15-Mar-1997
* Full featured & extremely fast ramdisk driver
* For 130XE-compatible upgrades up to 1Mb
* Supports drive redirection
* Format/No format at start-up
* Renumber ramdisk afterwards
* Disable DMA when accessed
* Configurable memory banks to use
* Possibility to set up a (non-Sparta) auxillary ramdisk
* Even faster, less featured version included
* Config CMD's included for BBS Express Professional Sysops
Image2Disk v1.0
msc 1996
* Makes Atari bootdisks from .ATR images
* Supports single and enhanced density
* Runs only with Sparta-Dos
Mega XE Ramdisk
Ver 6.5/6.6/6.7 15-Jan-96
John K. Picken
* Full featured & extremely fast ramdisk driver
* For 130XE-compatible upgrades up to 1Mb
* Format/No format at start-up
* Renumber ramdisk afterwards
* Disable DMA when accessed
* Configurable memory banks to use
* Possibility to set up a (non-Sparta) auxillary ramdisk
* Less featured, but even faster double-density-only version included
* Extensive docs included
Menu vII
(C) 1994 by FTe
* "Norton-Commander-style" menu to Copy, Erase and Rename files
Picture Viewer 2.2
Fox-1 April-2000
* Views uncompressed "62-sec" pictures instantly
* File lenght is only 779 bytes
* Shows filename on top of screen
$hareware 1989-1996
* Package of usefull Sparta-Dos 3.x / Sparta-Dos-X tools
* Extensive documentation included
* CLS (Nelson Nieves 1989)
* DELTREE v1.1 (Nelson Nieves 1995-1996)
* EOLCMP v1.0 (Nelson Nieves 1994)
* FATR v1.1 (Nelson Nieves 1994-1995)
* FTD v1.2 (Nelson Nieves 1994-1996)
* READ v1.0 (Jeff Ward 1989)
* SHELL v1.4 (Tom Hunt 1993-1994)
* TREE v1.0 (Nelson Nieves 1994)
* WIPEFILE v1.1 (Nelson Nieves 1991-1995)
* XERASE v1.2 (Nelson Nieves 1996)
* XPEEK v1.0 (Nelson Nieves 1994)
* XPOKE v1.0 (Nelson Nieves 1994)
* XTYPE v1.0 (Nelson Nieves 1995)
RenDir v1.0 4-Sep-87
(C) 1994 by FTe
* External command to rename directories
SetVersion v0.1
Fox-1 Nov-98
* To change the current version-ID in memory ($0701) to run software written for other dos versions as the one which is booted
Sinit 4-Nov-87
Craig S. Thom
* Replacement "AINIT" command (pre 3.3 versions)
* Formats disk in DOS 2.x compatible single or double density
* Commandline parameters for density and drive#
* D1: - D9:
SortDir v1.40 10-Jul-88
(C) 1994 by FTe
* To sort directories on Filename, Type, Size, or Date
For 60Hz NTSC systems
* Shows Time/Date bar on top of the screen
* Y2K compatible
For 50Hz PAL systems
* As TDLINE above, but for use in Europe
Turbo Basic v3.2q
(C) 1992 CTH Enterprises
* Turbo-Basic for Sparta-Dos 3.2
* Resides in $1C20 to $63E5
* Offers 22313 bytes of free memory
* "BLOAD" & "BRUN" commands not support (use XIO)
* P:R: interface support by supplied handler
* Basic-review text included (Battle of the Basics)
* No compiler or runtime
Verified BASIC Switch
Craig S. Thom 1987
* Verified BASIC switching
* Will not switch cartride if an OSS cart is present
* Can be used in BATchfiles
Verbose Path 1-Nov-87
Craig S. Thom 1987
* For Sparta 3.2 or up
* Shows current path at commandline prompt
* Relocatable
* Memory resident
* Takes up about 600 bytes
* Disables BREAK-key
WhereIs v2.2 2-Dec-88
(C) 1994 by FTe
* External command to search the (hard-)disk for a specific file